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Documentaries for Programmers

People love watching movies, especially related to things they love. Developers are no different. And what is better to watch then documentaries about tools, libraries, and programming languages that we all use and love. Here is a list of documentaries created by Honeypot and OfferZen.

  1. React.js by Honeypot

React Documentary

  1. Angular by Honeypot

Angular Documentary

  1. TypeScript by OfferZen

TypeScript Documentary

  1. Node.js by Honeypot

Node.js Documentary

  1. Ruby on Rails by Honeypot

Ruby on Rails Documentary

  1. Prometheus by Honeypot

Prometheus Documentary

  1. Laravel by OfferZen

Larvel Documentary

  1. Svelte by OfferZen

Svelte Documentary

  1. Vue.js by HoneyPot

Vue.js Documentary

  1. Elixir by HoneyPot

Elixir Documentary

  1. GraphQL by Honeypot

GraphQL Documentary

  1. Ember by HoneyPot

Ember Documentary

  1. Kubernetes by Honeypot

Kubernetes Documentary Part 1

Kubernetes Documentary Part 1

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