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Handling auto-indentation in Node.js REPL

When working on my Open Source project LIPS Scheme REPL, I wanted to have auto indentation, when you type multi line expression the text on the next line is indented. This article will describe a story of adding this feature, that require contributing to Node.js.

The first version of the LIPS Scheme Node REPL, included command line history, I've copied part of Node.js REPL source code and tweak it. No worries I included the Node.js copyright license in the source code.

In LIPS Scheme, I have formatter that indent scheme source code according to common known rules. The REPL was working when you press enter, but it broke when you copy/paste the code. I've attempted to fix this issue with few iterations. It but this features always had bugs that I was not able to eliminate completely.

Paste Bracket Mode

Then suddenly, I don't know where I discovered paste-bracket mode. It's special feature of Terminal emulators that when enabled injects special ANSI Escapes codes before and after the code you paste into the terminal.

To enable to feature you need to send \x1b[?2004h ANSI Escape code. Sending means just printing this code into your standard output. To disable this feature you can use \x1b[?2004l. When paste brackets is turn on the code you paste into terminal is wrapped between \x1b\[200~ and \x1b\[201~ ANSI Escape codes.

Node.js Readline vs GNU Readline

This is feature is part of GNU Readline library which allows moving and editing the line in Terminal. I was using readline in node, but paste brackets mode didn't work in Node.js. I was inspecting the source code of Node.js, and it turns out that Node.js doesn't use GNU Readline. It uses their own code and module responsible for editing in REPL is also named readline.

First I asked on StackOverflow but eventually deleted the question because no one know the answer. If you want to see this, you need to have enough reputation, since the question was deleted.

My Contribution to Node.js

Then I've created an issue on GitHub about paste bracket mode in Node.js, and Ben Noordhuis suggested that I contributed. I was looking at the code and created a PR. It was not my first contribution to Open Source, but first time to such big project as Node. I waited few months but finally got merged, even that it didn't have unit tests (you can't actually test things like copy/paste), and the feature landed in versions:

Working example

Here is example code, how to use this feature in Node.js:

import readline from 'readline';
import { satisfies } from 'compare-versions';

const version = process.version;

const supports_paste_brackets = satisfies(version, '>=18.19.0 <19') ||
      satisfies(version, '>=20.6.0');

const prompt = 'repl> ';
const cont_p = '...   ';

let cmd = '';
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,

// add the paste bracket markers to output code
process.stdin.on('keypress', (c, k) => {
  if (k?.name?.match(/^paste-/)) {
    cmd += k.sequence;

if (supports_paste_brackets) {
  // enable paste bracket mode

rl.on('line', function(line) {
  try {
    cmd += line;
    // we clear old paste brackets that we don't need anymore
    if (cmd.match(/\x1b\[201~$/)) {
      cmd = cmd.replace(/\x1b\[(200|201)~/g, '');
    cmd += '\n';
    // get rid of the opening paste bracket
    const code = cmd.replace(/\x1b\[200~/g, '');
    // first you check if this is multiline if the code ends
    // my case is lisp code it's easy to check
    // if there are balanced parentheses
    if (python_multiline(cmd)) {
      const is_bracket_mode = cmd.match(/\x1b\[200~/);
      // we don't indent the code when copy/paste here
      // but you can reformat the whole code and rewrite the output
      // you will need to move cursor up up and replace every line
      // with new content using proper ANSI Escape codes
      if (!is_bracket_mode && supports_paste_brackets) {
         // indentation of 4 spaes, write your logic here
         const spaces = ' '.repeat(2);
    } else {
      // dummy output of the REPL
      console.log('==> #undef');
      // next input
      cmd = '';
  } catch(e) {

// dummy function that checks if this is a multi line expression
// it looks like Python statement with colon after first line
// and ends with double newline
function python_multiline(code) {
   return cmd.match(/:\s*$/m) && !cmd.match(/\n\s*\n$/);


To test the above code, you first need to initialize a new node.js project and install dependencies:

npm init -y
npm install compare-versions

You need to modify the package.json and put "type": "module" or save the above file with .mjs extension.

When you run and type dummy Python code:

if (x == 10):

You will see it indents the code when you press enter after colon. Now try to copy above code and paste into the REPL. The code will be intact.

If you want, you can re-indent the code, but doing nothing works just fine.

You can see this feature and more in my LIPS Scheme REPL.
